Museum of Illusions - CharlotteDiscover a brilliant collection of perspective-changing rooms, enthralling installations, and spellbinding images. Our exhibits will teach you that nothing is ever quite as it seems, especially in the Museum of Illusions. Get ready to be mesmerized! 601 S. Tryon Street Charlotte, North Carolina Charlotte , NC , 28202 Phone: (980) 356-4505 35° 13' 23.0952" N, 80° 50' 54.0708" W See map: Google Maps Chess Lessons with Sari ChessKid DIGIVATIONS CAMP DEMIGOD INSTITUTE at Cornell University Discovery Place Science - Charlotte, NC EduRaptor - Personalized Online Learning for K-12 Growing Up Art Collective Lighthouse Writers Workshop Maker Mindz Math Potentials MCKids Academy: Learning through Minecraft Model United Nations at Cornell University & UN 17 SDG INSTITUTE DIGIVATIONS XGENS NeoMaster Global: Your Personal Online Tutor PARI Summer STEM and Space Exploration Camps Play-Well TEKnologies - Charlotte